Why You Should Never, Ever Change A Burnt-Out Lightbulb In Your Office


Except for horror films, we can't think of any instance where production people actually want to work under fluorescent tube lighting. 

So when we were changing a burnt out tube in our production office, we thought, "Why don't we just replace the whole fixture?" 

Upon discovering that the fixture was attached to a two foot drop ceiling, we thought, "Why don't we just get rid of the whole ceiling?" 

After removing the ceiling and installing house-made LED pendants, we discovered that in all that nice light, the walls looked terrible, so we thought, "Why not just paint the room?" 

When we'd painted the room, we realized that a bunch of the cabinets we'd hauled out weren't really storing anything and just taking up space. We thought, "Why not just get rid of them?" 

Then we discovered that with the ceiling at its original height and the cabinets all gone, the room was too echoey. We thought, "Why not just put in new carpet?" 

But new carpet just makes the old flooring next to it look bad. So we ended up carpeting the production office and the entire lobby. This made the kitchen look shabby by comparison so we installed a new tile floor and replaced the fluorescent lights in there as well. 

Did it end there? 

We wish. 

You can't have a comfortable production office without a couch to relax on. But we couldn't move a couch in with that support post located in the middle of the room. So we thought, "Why don't we just jack up the ceiling and move that post closer to the wall?" 

Which we did. 

As a result, everything is much nicer and more comfortable for our clients. But yikes, do you have any idea what building improvements cost? 

Maybe we should have just let that stupid fluorescent tube flicker like a horror film.