A Fond Farewell To Our Upshur Street Facility


As you read this we will have completely vacated our old building at 2580 NW Upshur. The facility was a landmark of Portland production, and held happy memories for so many of us in the production community.

But let's not get too nostalgic. Parking was a nightmare.

During our final days there we finally allowed a group of young men to do what we've all been itching to do, and that's ride their skateboards up the old cyc wall. (Photos courtesy of Tal Roberts.)

And we have to say, it held up pretty well.

We were able to salvage a big chunk of the cyc, which we brought over to our new facility to use as an insert stage. That means that when you're shooting your product video, at the same time you can be shooting your product stills.

This can be a huge savings in time, money, and headaches, since clients, talent and product are ready to go. No need to bring everybody back for another day.

The new insert stage is about 18 feet wide, so you'll have plenty of room for your photographer to set up his lights, and even accommodate your set pieces.

Elvis Helps Us Say Goodbye

As one of his last acts in the old space, Cine Rent Owner Chris Crever, set up an Elvis cutout. Then as we were about to shut out the lights for the last time, we could truly say, "Elvis has left the building."


It was a great facility for us and we echo Bob Hope in saying, "Thanks for the memories."
